5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Sleep

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:Health

A lot has been written and documented on the importance of proper sitting and standing postures and the many benefits to be had now and in the future if we know how to sit and stand with good posture.

How about sleep, have you ever wondered how your posture is when you are sleeping? Have you ever asked does my sleeping posture impact my quality of sleep? Have you ever wondered if there are detrimental positions that you could avoid whilst asleep?

Considering we spend a third of our lives sleeping, it’s probably vital that you understand key points on how to sleep with good posture in order to have good quality sleep.

Good sleeping posture ensures our bones and joints remain in the correct alignment so our muscles are more relaxed during sleep.

Chiropractic is specially trained in the art of detection and we see posture as a window to the spine, with poor posture generally indicating that there may be a problem with a person’s spine and nervous system. The related problems that can manifest themselves leading to not just muscular but also general ill health.

  1. Make sure the bed offers the right mix of comfort and support for your neck and back. Too soft or too hard can cause poor sleeping posture and results in waking with pain. A good bed is one that has been researched and tested and should offer a good returns policy if unsatisfied. Generally speaking your mattress should be on the firmer side with a soft pillow top.
  2. Well supported pillow of the correct size is vital. It should have a contoured support system and be properly fitted by your chiropractor.
  3. Ideally sleeping on your side with knees flexed is the most effective position and one that causes the least stress and strain to your spine and body in general. As well as a good bed and supporting pillow you will need another soft pillow placed between your legs in order to prevent you from rolling into the “recovery position”
  4. If you can’t sleep on your side your next option is to sleep on your back with a pillow/cushion placed under the knees so you can prevent the low back from arching upwards. Again a properly fitted pillow will ensure your, neck arms and shoulders don’t overstretch.
  5. Finally avoid sleeping your stomach as this seems to be the most troublesome for your spine and body in general. Sleeping on your front causes excessive rotation for you neck for prolong periods. It promotes weak abdominals and causes sagging of you low back. All of which can cause you to wake with pain, discomfort and general fatigue.

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